sign up for the free Friday notes on writing and life here
You know that time with your notebook is restorative. You teach yourself things, remind yourself of what you'd forgotten. It's the seedbed for new ideas. Playing with words leads to all sorts - mischief, new directions, renewed determination... who knows?
This community is here because we know that despite being a personal habit, writing thrives when it has a safe space to breathe.
And in that thriving it can nurture all sorts of new growth too - shifts in perspective. A playful approach. Brand new ideas for work, and greater ease in writing them.
Here you can be heard (as much or as little as you wish). Come as you are. You are welcome.
And what will you find?
Would love you to be part of it!
Hey ,
Here's where you'll find recordings of the 90 min workshops. You'll get chance to hear some discussion and write alongside as we work through prompts together.
I'll post each month's video as it's ready, so they'll all be here for you to look through.
Gayle x
A lovely bundle of prompts coming your way in here. Get your creative juices flowing by stepping into scenarios, setting timers and (this is a really important bit), taking a few moments to notice where your pen went and why. The written word can only be written one at a time, so it's a decision every moment. Why that direction, not the other?
It's always a joy to hear/see your writing and your observations of your writing in the group, so do come and share what you've been up to!
G x
A new month of prompts to play and explore!
Enjoy the time you give to yourself here.
Any questions? Come and ask away in the group, or email me at
Happy writing!
G x
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