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Wordspill Writers Community

You know that time with your notebook is restorative. You teach yourself things, remind yourself of what you'd forgotten. It's the seedbed for new ideas. Playing with words leads to all sorts - mischief, new directions, renewed determination... who knows?

This community is here because we know that despite being a personal habit, writing thrives when it has a safe space to breathe. 

And in that thriving it can nurture all sorts of new growth too - shifts in perspective. A playful approach. Brand new ideas for work, and greater ease in writing them. 

Here you can be heard (as much or as little as you wish). Come as you are. You are welcome. 

And what will you find?

  • A guide to the '3Ps' of personal, reflective writing, Wordspill style.
  • A getting started guide 
  • Two fresh writing prompts a week, plus the archive from previous weeks, months and years
  • A monthly Saturday morning 90 minute zoom workshop 
  • Regular co-writing zoom sessions each month - wonderful for gentle accountability and writing chat
  • Weekly emails reminding you of what's coming up
  • Discounts on any of my retreats, seasonal specials and writing services
  • A facebook group to share any writing and reflections, ask questions and support each other. 

Would love you to be part of it! 

49 Modules

Getting Started with Wordspill

Start here, !

And return whenever you like. Here's where you'll find the basics of Wordspilling, so you can develop a reflective writing habit that works for you. 

Happy reading!


Workshop recordings

Hey ,

Here's where you'll find recordings of the 90 min workshops. You'll get chance to hear some discussion and write alongside as we work through prompts together. 

I'll post each month's video as it's ready, so they'll all be here for you to look through. 


Gayle x

close up profile image of a yellow daffodil trumpet

March 2025 prompts

brighten your corners and feel yourself come alive with these writing prompts! 

purple crocuses in snow

February 2025 prompts

Write like your attention depends on it.

Write like you don't give a damn.

Write furiously. Write on a mellow wave.

Just write. 

close up of an ivy leaf, varigated red and green, on a tree

December 2024 prompts

Pens at the ready, some pathways to creativity and the stuff that really matters inside!

tied bouquet of autumn leaves against paper on the ground

November 24 prompts

Writing helps you notice. Writing helps you play. Writing helps you puzzle it out. Writing helps. Do some here. 

June 2024 prompts

Brain racing 200 miles an hour? In a funk and can't think about anything? Writing is one of those magical practices with the power to calm/soothe or energise/motivate as needed. Have fun!

May 2024

Permission granted! A whole load of prompts to get you connecting with yourself and what matters to you. Without worrying about being 'any good'

November 2023 prompts

What happens when you can't write it wrong? Come and find out! 

October 2023 prompts

Scoop out some time to be still and witness yourself in your notebook, go on. 

September 2023

Give yourself the gift of reflection and self-nuture this season of harvest. 

August 2023 prompts

August is a time to dream and let go. Open your notebook and see what happens...

July 2023

A summery bouquet of prompts to shine a light on your creativity and personal insight! 

April 2023


A lovely bundle of prompts coming your way in here. Get your creative juices flowing by stepping into scenarios, setting timers and (this is a really important bit), taking a few moments to notice where your pen went and why. The written word can only be written one at a time, so it's a decision every moment. Why that direction, not the other? 

It's always a joy to hear/see your writing and your observations of your writing in the group, so do come and share what you've been up to!

G x

February 2023

Step into a month of imagining, of intention-setting, and maybe some other 'i' words too!

January 2023

Hello! The loose theme for this month is new perspectives: looking and seeing in new ways. Enjoy! 

December 2022

A whole selection box of prompts this month. We start with a surprising encounter, and we'll have some letters, some poems, and who knows what else along the way.

November 2022 prompts

Time to play with words! Lots of little bitesize adventures to lose (and find) yourself in this month. 

October 2022

Some unapologetically autumnal themes in this one - though good for any time of the year! Come and play! 

September 2022 prompts

This month has us looking at transitions, at surplus and at surprise. Among many other treats!

August 2022


A ripening crop of prompts this month. Some seasonal themes, some playing with different forms, and lots of opportunity for play and reflection. 


Gayle x

July 2022 prompts

A gorgeously summery array of prompts this month. Taking a tour around metaphor, colour, poetry, lists and much more! 

June 2022 prompts

What a bouquet awaits you this month... wild, curated, hybridised, cultivated... (what other 'rose' related words can I think of...)


May 2022

Happy May!

In which we delve into lists, get arty, let poems do their work and much more! 

April 2022 prompts

A flurry of new prompts taking us through stories, nurture, poetry, lists and lots more! 

March 2022

Creative nudges, reflective opportunities and seeds of new possibilities all await this month! 

February 2022 prompts

A focus on stirrings, imaginings and new beginnings this month. As ever, a whole variety of forms to play with and explore. Come on in! 

January 2022 prompts


A huge variety of prompts coming your way this month, quite the treasure trove!

Explore and enjoy.

Gayle x

December 2021 prompts

Hello there!

A nourishing buffet of prompts to feast upon as we approach winter. 

Pick and choose, nibble as you fancy x

November 2021 prompts

Hi ,

Welcome to a new month! A lovely mix of forms coming up this month: from poetry to letters, with some invitations to play with art and nature in the mix too.

Have fun!

Gayle x

October 2021 prompts

From bears, to autumnal whimsy, to values, to potions - there's a lot of juicy prompts this month! 

September 2021 prompts

Hi ,

Welcome to another month of prompts! Weekly doses of play and exploration to ease you through each week. Enjoy!

Gayle x

August 2021 prompts


Welcome to a new batch of prompts! August brings all sorts of themes for us to play with - from summery abundance to a whole range of different writing forms.


Gayle x

June 2021 Prompts


A new month of prompts to play and explore! 

Enjoy the time you give to yourself here.

Any questions? Come and ask away in the group, or email me at

Happy writing!

G x

May 2021 Prompts

Here's where you'll find the weekly prompts for weeks beginning in May 2021. You'll be able to revisit them whenever you like!

Modules for this product 49
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